Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Latest Barn Quilts

While traveling down Ashley Road on our way to Morris a week ago, Ron spotted this barn.  It had a quilt on each end of it.  What a pleasant surprise.

This is the other end.  We did have to turn out and check it out.

On our way back from our little anniversary trip at the beginning of the month, we came across this barn quilt.  We were on Route 6, but unfortunately have no idea of what town we were near.

At the fair grounds in Princeton, IL this barn had four quilts on it.  It is also on Route 6.
When the weather gets a tad warmer, we are going to check out the newest barn quilts up in McHenry.  The quilt trail has expanded there.

1 comment:

  1. Funny! I almost turned onto Ashley yesterday, on my way home from Morris. Too bad I turned on Ridge instead.
