Sunday, June 29, 2014

Barn Quilts of Shawano County,Wisconsin

Last week when we were on our way to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to visit our friend Pat, Ron decided to take a bit of a detour and go on some back road to avoid the construction on the highway around Green Bay, Wisconsin.  We had driven only a short while, when we stumbled upon some barn quilts.
After we arrived home on Sunday, I checked to see if there was actually a Barn Quilt Trail in that area.
Much to my surprise, there was not only a trail, but it happens to be the largest trail.

I wrote to Shawano County in Wisconsin to see what kind of information I could get about the Barn Quilts.
They sent me a map and list of addresses for 250 quilts in their county.  It appears though, since the map was originally printed, more have been added.

These first two, I have not been able to find the names of the patterns.

This one is called "BIKING IS LIFE". It is on the Lynch farm, in Bonduel, Wisc.

When you go to their website, they have 6 pages of pictures of the quilts for the first 250 which are on the map.
Also, there may be a second page, that will tell you more about how the quilt got its name, and more information about the barn and or family, business that where it is placed.

More barn quilts have been installed this year, and appear on another site list, that is not in the brochure
This pattern I could not find, and I have no idea where we saw it..

It is an interesting barn and great quilt.

Here is "ALL STAR ARRAY".  It is on the Ebert family barn, in Bonduel.

One of the things we did see were quilts that looked similar to each other.  This was one of them.  I saw it on another barn, and had not realized it was considered a barn quilt, and that we were on a trail.

While driving we did come across this farmer with his rig plowing in the fields. We stopped for a while to watch how he was working the field.  Very interesting.

Here is  "SUNFLOWERS", at Windswept Acres in Cecil.

"IRIS RAINBOW" is on the reverse of the same barn at Windswept Acres, in Cecil.

"OLD GLORY CHEVRON" is on a barn that was in the town limits.  It is on the Zernieke Family Barn, in Bonduel.

Ron, really liked this one. It was interesting that it is on the doors and between the two silos.

I was not able to find the name of this quilt block.

Even quilt shops have barn quilts on them. 

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